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Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Is Job Hunting my New Hobby?

Like many people out there I am currently a professional hunter. I'm a professional job hunter stalking the allusive prey of full time employment that pays enough to feed a family. Not even a large family. Just my wife, our 9 kids and myself. My wife and I don't have 9 kids. That would be way to many in modern life. I'd have to go out and start finding kidneys to sell on the black market just to make ends meat. Come to think of it? No selling human organs on the black market is a bad idea. I hear Iran is paying people for them so there is an idea and chance for the worst vacation ever.

My issue with this modern white collar form of hunting is just how different it is. I'm not horribly old. I'm not even 30. I do remember and now even look fondling on having to go to the location, call or fax over my information. Why do I look fondly on that. Well because I knew there was a person on the other end. It made me really think about that job and I also knew they'd think about me. Now I have to create and fill out a "profile" for every position out there. Even if all I want to do is work part time.

Why is this so bad and making job hunting feel like a journey into the dark recesses of societies jungle? I'm sure only a select and few companies have automated programs scanning, searching, selecting and judging resumes right? I am starting to doubt that. With the speed they get back with a form rejection letter (if there is one) I get the hint that the machines are taking over and they're not happy that I've been warning people about them. I base this allegation on the fact that I am slightly snarky and even in my well crafted resume that elements of me being.... well me. Have shined through.

Every employer prior to the technology technology revolution liked my spark of humanity. The whimsy and charm of making working at Subway ans Starbuck seem paramount to the function of this engine we call society. I was the fuel injector.

I was asked recently home many application I have out there. I calmly counted aloud to help show that I can do math, (all take time to toot your own horn) and estimated nearly 200. So I am either high unqualified to hand out coozies for the local morning zoo radio show or Adonis styles work ethic has frightened the villagers.

I will admit to a horrible habit I have gotten into since this devolution of hiring practices. Since I now have to spend an hour creating a profile, then another hour answering 120 questions just to submit my interest to be a cashier at Target. You bet your bottom line I'm going to apply to every job I'm qualified, pre-qualified, overqualified and unqualified for. It's not something I'm proud of. It's not something I'm ashamed of either. Since I am putting it on the internet and the machines talk to each other.

I guess I'm really wondering who's at greater fault? Me for over applying myself to the application process with in companies or the companies for making it so easy to over apply and reject applications? With reported unemployment at or near 9% this should be a real question. Are skilled people getting passed over by the search engine HR program or are the people who hire just swamped because of jerks like me?