In the year 2008 the world crashed and changed forever. That is just my opinion but one that I have heard echoed around many hallowed halls. The world also changed and expanded beyond belief in and around the year 2000 with the tech boom. Thomas L. Friedman who wrote "The World is Flat" goes into much better detail no the how and why then I ever could. So feel free to check that book out. I am also reading about how to be a better interview for jobs. Some how my personality gets lost in translation. Oh well. An interesting point on the job front and the world we live in today is that there are roughly 4 generations at work and in business.
The Echo Generation, Generation X, Baby Boomers and a few of the Greatest Generation. All very different people. All very different and have different ideas on how, what and where things should be heading. The generation that is getting the shortest end of the control stick is Generation X. Of the generations it is smaller then both the Boom generation and the Echo generation. Generation X is not nearly as important of influential as the greatest generation.

On a regular basis I talk (Or commonly argue or loudly debate depending on your perspective) with a member of Generation X. There is trend when I talk with people from Gen X. They are straddling the world in which things worked and the modern world. They are old enough to remember how things
"should" be or
"Should" work. They are very well read and an intelligent bunch but well... their ideas and principles are out of date.
They are also able to understand the technology of today and are easy to adapt to it. I'm not saying that their opinions matter less or the the echo generation is more important. I am just repeating to my angst ridden flannel wearing predecessor that you where right. You're misunderstood and have been passed over. You are sandwiched between to larger generations. The me generation and they're even more self involved oblivious offspring. (I am included in that, and feeling included is important.)

This is the time for the Generation X congress though. We are on our third Boomer president. Congress has to have some members for the Dock Martin maniacs. This is their chance to break free, DO something and Do something different. Since the world crashed in 2008 I have heard a lot of "should" and "shouldn't s". "if only", "It worked in the70s or 80s etc", "Or back in the...". I think Gen X has a chance as a generation and as a group that could have a very small window at power to say, "Should don't matter. This is the reality and this is what we are going to do".
There has been a lack of leadership in Government since the 1990s. If Generation X is willing to carry the burden of leadership not just say it's not their fault and things should be different. Then the Angst Generation will be the generation of change and progression. If not then... get ready to yell out Echoooooo.